irving velazquez: yes, i do. i mean, well, first, thank you for having us here. and yes, this semana laboral, the labor rights week, is gonna be held from august 28 to september 1. we're gonna have labor talks at the consulate in san francisco, so we invite the community, not only spanish-speaking, but whoever feels that their rights have been violated, to know a little about what they might be missing from their protection. so, we're gonna have health and security at work, wage and hour, we're gonna have worker's comp, and everything else that entails with violations in your--at work. and we're also gonna have community events in napa, san francisco, and in oakland. so, all this information can be found in our consulado website and our social media pages, on facebook and twitter. so, if you need more information, just go to those sites and hopefully you can participate. and at least know your rights and hopefully nothing--no violations happen in the near future. damian: so, like, overtime, if you're not getting overtime, anything like that, you can get more info