you serve >>i serve in a newark community so we have seven health centers five in newark one in irvington and one in east orange >>all urban? >>and it's definitely >>harder to do this in urban communities? >>definitely >>because? >>the health literacy the literacy levels the educational levels are lower >>what would be the correlation between as you were just calling it health literacy and health outcomes? >>there's a big disparity between the two >>because? >>because there is a bigger need to educate and these are a lot of immigrant populations new to the country >>language? >>language barriers a lot of creole speaking and spanish speaking >>cultural issues with diet >>does it make the role of a nurse even greater in such a situation? >>absolutely and in the health centers there's a higher there's less rn's registered nurses and a lot more lpn's >>explain that and the health centers in the few minutes we have left there are fewer >>registered nurses bachelor prepared so you have more that are liscenced practical nurses due to budget constraints you know it's just part of it so in the hos