i knew that the iraqis were irwas cybil people. i knew they were tough people and didn't much like war and intervention. i thought we would be welcome by some who had suffered under saddam hussein. frankly i didn't expect flowers to be thrown at our feet, no. >> bill: therein lies my problem as american citizen not as a factor guy. i believed dick cheney when he said that i believed colin powell when he said weapons of mass destruction. i made my editorial decision based upon what those two men said and what i read in the "new york times" of all places on the front page that confirmed what colin powell said that saddam hussein had weapons of mass destruction. so i told the millions of people who watch this program we have got to go in there and, you know, cheney is right that once we overthrow saddam. iraq will cooperate with us. we will try get a democracy up and running and i was wrong. i was wrong. that hurts me not only with the audience but personally because iraq didn't greet us as liberators. and you say you had some misgivi