the scientist became interested in the hypothesis of his colleague irwin stone that ascorbic acid, if you eat enough of it, is able to prolong life, kill germs, treat diseases. and even destroy cancer cells, he began to eat vitamin c in incredible doses, as if to treat others with it and periodically appeared in the press with sensational statements on this account, it worked for him too, people ran buy magic pills containing vitamin c and many other impurities. later, including for this reason , the opinion that dietary supplements are a cure for all diseases was strengthened in society for a long time. hello, hello, lena grigoryevna, let's figure out what is called from the very beginning, dietary supplements are definitely not a medicine, but they seem not to be vitamins, then what is it? in fact and most importantly for what? biologically active additives are substances that work in our body and allow everything to function correctly biological systems of our body. we need them, we get them from food, but in some situations, for example, in stress situations, when a person in the