joining us is cecelia kang of the "washington post." she is a technology reporter for that newspaper. very quickly, we referred obliquely to this meeting that happen in the white house this week. what was this meeting? guest: earlier today a group of economists from all ends of the political spectrum if i may use the term, those that served in the bush of administration, in the clinton administration, those that are in all walks of life if you will in terms of their political leanings, came together and wrote a shared letter calling on congress to promote this notion of voluntary incentive options to ensure that policy lever is in place because fundamentally, our economy is a market-based economy where you have assets that trade to their highest and best use. what these economists that and of course i'm not trained as an economist at what these economists basically said is that by moving toward the voluntary incentive auction authority there will be a market mechanism that would allow whether or not the owners of spectrum or i should say