just turn it into pure evil now you know i'm a very big fan of isaac asimov and he once said that the saddest thing about our time and he was speaking permanently about the 20th century is that science gathers know much faster than society gathers wisdom do you see that speed of scientific discovery as the main culprit for allowing this hijacking of the scientific genius or is it something else. i think that's a really good point because there are so many cases where our technological abilities have developed so quickly but we don't have necessarily the moral framework or the societal structures to to use those things wisely look at nuclear weapons as an example of this where you know world war 2 wasn't that long ago that was during my parents' lifetime and that's when nuclear weapons were developed and in fact my great grandfather was in charge of the chemistry division the manhattan project so i'm very familiar with this and yet they became this global scourge ever since world war 2 and we really don't as a species have the wisdom to have things like weapons of mass destruction the