some of these people waited outside in the frigid temperatures for an hour and a half at the isaac coggs heritage health center. they were making sure to get in on the holiday dinner giveaway. nat once inside they were greeted with bags of food. "this bag is so got the ham and more." the holiday giveaway was for patients and the community. "molina healthcare, one of our sponsors, we got a call from them and they wanted to donate money so people in the community could have holiday dinners." but there was more than just free food. there were free health screenings, dental screenings and mammograms. nat of patient/nurse there were free books. nat and readig those who needed visual assistance. nat of woman we heard a lot of words of gratitude at the event. nat "one of my hopes for this is that the people in the community will have a nutritious dinner for christmas and that they know that milwaukee health services is always going to be in the community for them. :55 the holiday giveaway will help put a lot of christmas dinners on a lot of tables. but, just as important, essential health scree