isaac kruse: absolutely. when i found out that they were talking about buying it, i was starting to look for my line of work up in that area. and i thought it would be really fun to help own and help work out on the resort. that's the sort of place that comes multigenerational, too. i mean, you can look forward to an association with it for your whole life. yeah. keith morrison: so come august, chris and jan drove the six hours from brewster to spider lake to engage in some serious negotiating. and there were obstacles-- of course, there were-- as jan told her sister kay. kay king: it was just the timing with bailey having a couple of years left in school. so it wasn't that she-- yes she, did want to buy it. there was just a lot that went into that whole decision. keith morrison: mostly, of course, the money. jan, the bookkeeper, ran the numbers. they offered as much as their bank would allow, but it wasn't enough. was it jan who faced it first, that they'd have to move on? chris would never own the resort he