iconic, important studios in the world for releasing works by santana and journey, fogerty, chris isaak, all these incredible artists. so i wanted to salute fantasy studios on an incredible run. thank you very much. >> that's it for the director's report. >> commissioner bleiman: thank you. is there any public comment on the director's report? seeing none, public comment is closed. moving along, next item agenda is a report from our sound inspector, sean burke. >> good evening, inspectors. sean burke here. and i will give you a rundown. you should have a newly landscape-orientation hearing notes in your binder. it gives me an opportunity to explain things a little more clearly in the note section. there were two notice of violations issues, one for stratus at 358 ocean. that was for operating without a permit. that was an establishment or location that had a permit in the past and they're going through a planning issue right now. we've issued them a temporary permit to operate. and the other was revolution cafe. we gave, on a previous visit, a verbal warning to keep doors closed during