it's not my opinion, it's not what isabel brown think 0 charlie kirk think but xyz. it's giving you the facts and places to go to learn more with the hope you can take that information into the world and use that as your metaphorical ammo to win america's culture war. do all the research and wright of scripts for that so i have few places that it if you're looking for that more in depth information i suggest you go first, avoid mainstream media, always, aft all times end don't type regardless of which side of the aisle. objective media does not exist in 2021 and that's very frustrating but we're trying to fill that gap in the market for you guys. the library of congress. i know. lamest thing you have ever heard but bear with me because it is really help. of the this congressional research service, so there's this massive part of the federal government that most people don't know exists, called the library of congress, and we employ people from literally every country around the world who are experts in the most minute subjects that exist to write reports for policyma