isagain, when the secretary standing behind someone on a plane, you'd think that they will not make sure that they will do the job appropriately? meetingsng about necessarily, but by staying inside the ivory tower -- it down there in you have so many , -- paper files stacked to the ceiling, at a time when the people have computing capabilities on their hit to take a lunar module to the moon. -- their hip to take a lunar module to the moon. everything in the va is still on paper. >> mr. chairman, i want to make one thing clear, this one element that you seemed to indicate before, that you may from the backing away undersecretary. is that what you're saying? >> i recognize that she does not work for me. she works under the direct supervision of the secretary, of the department of veterans affairs. of course, she works for the taxpayers. there are a lot of taxpayers out there who are not confident the chicken do the job she has been asked to do. there are vso's out there that want to give her more time, but there are also service organizations out there who are tired of waiting as well. >>