i was thinking about the great isaiah berlin distinction between hedgehogs and foxes. tend not to identify myself as either one. i like to take myself to be more attentive to what hedgehogs and foxes do. what splitters and the lumpers take themselves to be up to. this is what i'm going to try to do today. what is african american religion? an informative body of religion has been written about the difficulties in the study of religion, generally. many of the debates about whether religion is reducible to some other more fundamental notion like the unconscious and the like. interestingly complicated when we think about religion in tandem with race. more specifically, the issue becomes even messier when the modifier "black" or "african american" describes religion. these adjectives bear the unusual burden of a difficult history that colors the way religion is practiced and understood in the united states. they register the horror of slavery and the terror of jim crow, as well as the richly textured experiences of a captured people, for whom sorrow stands alongside joy. i