. >> you go to cambridge and you're exposed tod more ideas ad you read about isaiah berlin and i don't think we need to go into all that with her time butha it sounds like cambridge that you realize you have a narrative set that is interesting to other people. can you talk about your childhood. >> i guess a little bit toward the end, i was still pretty secretive about the whole thing and when the book came out i had good friends call me and say what because i never talk to them about any of it. >> they knew that i was homeschooled but they just think that i've a clean version of that that i told. a big part of it is byu and you don't like being outsider in that way and you don't like being the one person that doesn't know anything, doesn't know was going on or what the holocaust is, my kids are not always pleasant. it's something i've kept to myself, i had a few professors the same maybe you should write about this and i thought why, what's the point. and then i think i went true tremendously difficult process. >> maybe there is a reason to do it, i'm'm not sure but all experiment. >>