request of officer glenn ortega for approval to accept the isaiah nelson spirit award trophy for his actions and serena ng to accept a bottle of red wine from an individual at the san francisco airport. sfpdocc document protocol 4th quarter 2014. >> again you have the items in your packet. are there any questions regarding the consent calendar. >> i would comment officer ortega a young child was choking on a hot dog and he had the presence of mind to essentially save the child's life. >> and for the public to know the bottle of wine is from somebody that was going to lose it through security at the airport. >> hearing none public comment is now closed do i have a motion? >> so moved. >> second? >> all those in favor the item passes. >> the public is now welcome to address the the commission regarding items that do not appear on tonight's agenda but within the jurisdiction of the commission. and. during public comment comment. >> police and occ personnel should rerefrain however from entering into any debates or discussions with any speakers. please hold your comments to to 3 minutes.