katara isaki. the film was conceived as a hard action.on process, it turned into a comedy scripted for express. the one who travels from toki to marioka turns out to be five assassins at once with similar missions. pitt plays one of them, whose name is ladybug, that is, ladybug, to match this cute nickname pete chose images for the red carpet, when he presented the picture in european capitals , the greatest impression on the public was made by his appearance in a skirt, more precisely in a hilt. this immediately gave rise to a wave of memes, for a number of brad was compared with a suit from lyudmila prokofievna and office romance . and they also joked that after the divorce, pete received part of angelina jolie's wardrobe, the actor himself, when asked about the reason for his non-standard choice of clothes, answered that it was aired in berlin then it was about plus forty, and already in london, the phyto was asked how he manages to look so beautiful on the eve of the sixth decade. i would say, i would say meditate don't either. there