. -- here isaugust 22 , brought the frantic anthropologists down this for -- forensic anthropologists down. we did not tell him anything. he looked at the remains and said this is a very well preserved skeleton. age 35.he died about it is pretty clear. because well was 36 when he died. let's swap a gauze and be able to connect this. good luck. -- anis a book interesting story. he is now lying in state in washington in the same exhibit. there is a complete physical reconstruction of him holding his captains staff. 'ssed on forensic sculptors interpretations of bones and things like that. done with myam tour. i would thank you very much for your attention. >> the original 1607 english settlement at jamestown, virginia was lost in history until an archaeologist unearthed evidence of the port in 1994. since then, the jamestown rediscovery project has catalogued more than one million artifacts from the area where john smith and pocahontas walked to the ground. next, american history tv takes you inside the project possible and it's to see how history is revealed through artifacts. the jame