teachers from there realized don't care to implement the same that teachers from at isda were implementingo, you know, to their to their learners. so they clashed and they fought, for example, san felipe ise de was teaching bilingual education and after leaders from doe realized the move to strike it and so parents and teachers fought and they resisted and they kept it as part of the curriculum. and it will continue for years. this this fight, you'll have english only movements that sweep through the city. you'll have americanization movements that sweep the city. you'll have movements try to remove these welfare, as they call it, a welfare programs. they try to do all these things. but the parents fought and the teachers fought to keep it, you know, as part of the curriculum. so, yes, it's a little bit of both in that it went away, but then it came back and then it went away and then it came back. and that's the ebb and flow of of sort of bilingual education and other of enrichment education programs like the migrant program, like the adult basic education program, like the night school p