talk iseyingt? what about delaying it six months? >> by delayi it what you will do neil is buy some time. you will buy some time regardless how the election turns out hopefully we can get the president and congress to have an open-minded, bipartisan discussion with some longer term perspectiv that will address both spending as well as the revenue side of the budget. iljames, you're an excellent read of the markets. one of t reasons why i respect the he out of you. i wonder how the maets respond to a dlay with the hope that that delay produces an agreement on a simpler tax system, a bget reform, you know, hope always springs eternal but you and i areprably old enough to remember it doesn't always pan out that way. so you get y your delay. the marks don't share our collective hope and confidence that you strike a deal. they might sell off, right? oh, and agencies might say, oh, you're punting again, you shington. d there will be hell to pay, a big market selloff. wh do you think? >>eil, i thinsome of the activity you're seeinggin the m