. >> isha is a breast cancer survivor and medical marijuana user who ask that we don't use her last namemits on medical marijuana access will harm her and other patients. > helps with the nausea, bone pain, appetite, anxiety, stress, depression. >> the san jose city council estimates there are currently 110 collectives operating in the city without any regulation at all. >> i do think it's important that we move forward. >> tonight the city council preliminary approved a plan to cut the number to just ten and keep them in industrial and business districts. chuck reid said it was a big first step. >> not going to ban them all together. that we will allow them in certain restricted areas where they are appropriate, like a medical office building. >> the cost of medical marijuana could go up, along with new fees being discussed to pay for enforcement efforts. >> you are leaving, you know, only ten businesses open to serve 50,000 plus patients. you're going to get lines. you're going to lose the personalization. >> but this debate is not over yet. next week. the council will take up the issu