the 13 foot high figure of sacrifice, that towers over ishington's channel park, itself the creationfemale sculptor. gertrude vanderbilt whitney is best or mentor as the founder of new york's whitney museum of art. r leading role in the sensational 1934 child custody case involving her 10-year-old niece gloria. in the strange twist of fate, misses whitney lost her brother alfred in another tragedy at sea when a german u-boat in may 1915 sank the lusitania. taft rs later, helen officially unveiled the titanic memorial located in washington's rock creek parkway. carved from a single block of granite, is flanked by a stone bench. attributed to henry banken, the designer of the lincoln memorial. in the mid-1960's, the memorial was moved from its original site to make way for the john f. kennedy center for the performing arts. today it stands close to the waterfront in southwest washington. in the past, education was limited to the opportunity down the street at the local school. bu particular for high school students, they are learningt now, -- they are learning a of digital services. so