our lord, we believe in you and the revelation sent to us and abraham, ishmael, isaac, jacob and the tribes, that given to moses, jesus and mohammed, all the profits from the lord, we make no difference between one and the other of them and we bow to you in obedience. lord, you are the light of the heavens and the earth, give us the light to walk in, live in and be guided by. lord, there are indeed clear signs from the heavens and night and day, for those that celebrate your praises, standing, sitting, lying down on their sides, wondering over creation and the heavens and earth, and cry out, our lord. you have not created the universe in vain, lord be to you -- glory be to you. make us wife people and open our hearts and minds to your call, we have -- make us one people and open our hearts and minds to your call. make us listen and follow the words. free us from our hatred, biases and hatred, feelings for each other, create sympathy, love and understanding for all and give us the ability to engage in honest, sincere and beautiful dialogue. free from discrimination and negative feelin