ishmalia completed her nursing degree in portugal in 2009.ndon hospital trust, supervising stroke patients. that's why you're having problems with your right hand, because the left side of the brain controls the right side of the body. if i would stay in portugal i wouldn't be a clinical nurse specialist seven years after i qualified. i think that the nhs invests in their staff, in healthcare professionals, in a way my country doesn't. so we think your stroke is on the left side of the brain. but there are many eu nurses working here who, unlike ishmalia, might not have the option of staying. concerns about the potential damage brexit could do to the nursing pipeline are being put to the government by the cavendish coalition — an umbrella group of 33 different health organisations, including nhs employers. what the cavendish coalition is asking for for eu nationals who are working in health and social care now, is they are granted indefinite leave to remain, so they are clear that they have a real commitment from this country to them being pa