now, when it gets outside, isilaccelerating? no. no. now [whistles] it coasts. we've talked about this before. it's accelerating down that's why it drops before it got right back. but while it's inside, the forces are the same but the masses are different, that means that the effects are gonna be different. wh do you meanhe eect? how much it moves. you see? so that they think it only moves a little bit. the little thing moves a lot and they got the same force. that's the two blocks that i pulled before. i pulled the massive block and the light block. and they pulled toward each other, but the light block moved a lot. some people say, "oh, there's more force on the light one." and you guys say... uh-uh. same force, less mass, more acceleration. now, you're gonna tie all those ideas together: force, mass, acceleration. how many people do you know that are good at thinking about three ideas at one time? you hear people say that physics is a tough subject. you know why? because you gotta think of multiple ideas at once, well, maybe not at once. but you gotta conside