third, let me ask about the humanitarian said isituation in. we will have noted with concern the addition of the red cross prior to the revolution to bengahzi?from been gauz at this time, on the side of the house, we will give our full support to the on forces. once again, they are engaging in dangers and courageous action on behalf of our country. we salute their professionalism and bravery. they are serving to uphold the will of the international community, including the united nations. in their service, i believe there will have the support of the whole house. >> prime minister,. >> let me try and answer all the questions that he has put. in terms of the time scale, the issue is this. the security council resolution is absolutely clear in the first paragraph that there should be a stop of the dock the's attack on his people. if that does not happen, consequences will follow end all military action and measures -- we are able to do that on a time scale that i believe will be effective. in terms of our broader strategy, what we believe we need