after the san bernardino attack, trying to calm down this islamohphobia, he kind of, addressed these attitudes. with the big news outlets, unlike a lot of people in this room i am an obama supporter but i found the speech beautiful, spectacular, it is best and he talks about moving a sermon, the responsibility of all americans to not give in to fear, appeal more to freedom, it is our responsibility to treat everybody the same no matter their religion. it was a moving speech in all the traditional sources, really love this speech and gave it great reviews in the new york times or the la times or other news organizations, great job, he hit this one out of the park as far as explaining to people why they should not give into islamohphobia. you can breakdown google data minute by minute. i decide to see what happened in these searches for kill muslims and i hate muslims and these angry searches as obama was speaking, how do they compare before the speech, during the speech, after the speech. i did the comparison and found not only did these searches not drop as obama hopes, they didn't e