reconnaissance function, and the second is a combat function. unmanned aircraft for example, mine is islan - it is an unmanned aircraft, then if we are talking about exactly this, the b21 bomber is its ability to control a group of loyal introduced and if we are talking about an unmanned aerial vehicle, then this is the ability to work with a loyal introduced or in and not just or and and and also as part of a group or as it is customary to call as part of a swarm necessarily for the sixth generation - this is the maximum available reduced radio heat and other visibility from noise visibility well, for example, you see that on all and to directly fill 21 as a successor, there would be two on the prototypes of american chinese fighters of the sixth generation, there is no tail, that is , these flying wings are also necessarily inherent in the sixth generation, eh, these are the so-called systems of machine intelligence, both for reconnaissance targeting systems and for the aircraft driving in automatic or from the bottom so in an autonomous mode at some stages of automatic flight well, what