loss of .ocus the national leadership has provided strong policy statements and substantial sums ismoney, the enterprise evident that follow-through has been insufficient. opus is ass current welcome development. over the decades, this has changed and translated into the absence of a widely except did understanding of and appreciation for the role of nuclear weapons and nuclear technology in the 21st century with the result of well documented and atrophied conditions of lance for the strategic deterrent future. that is at the dod as well as the doe. this has been reflected as a lack of urgency and a respect for the compelling mission that they face. the earlier reviews have concluded and this panel endorses that this is no time for complacency about the nuclear deterrent. america's deterrent forces remain of the utmost importance to provide the ultimate guarantee against major war and coercion. our allies depend on these forces and capabilities for extended deterrent and to pursue their own nuclear capabilities if they perceive the u.s. commitment or competency is waning. our countries c