israelites out of slavery into the desert. only one moment, glenn, in the entire bible does good come down to land, to the top of mt. sinai to give the through moses and that cements this holy relationship between the people, the land and god. that's the heart of the moses story. that's the heart of the american story. that's the heart of the statue of liberty. >> glenn: what do you say, we get the tax code and put it in the trunk of our car and everybody heads to canada tonight? let's g. back in just a minute. according to the epa, the air in your home can be two to five times more polluted than the air outside. smoke, germs, viruses, allergens, pet dander, even smelly and potentially harmful voc compounds can actually be floating in the air you're breathing! but now you can clean that air with the incredible oreck xl professional air purifier. and if you call and order now you'll pay no interest ever! the secret to oreck's effectiveness is its patented truman cell filter. the oreck air purifier constantly moves the air in th