but along in his late teen years, he got into a conflict and ended up seeing one of the israelite slaves being mistreated, and he ended up killing him. so moses had to take off, because he was afraid for his own life. and he went out into the sinai, and there married zipporah, and had children, and was out as a shepherd. and as the torah tells us, as it says in exodus, he comes across a burning bush one day that is not being consumed. and the bush speaks to him. and rather than even misquote this, even a little, i brought from my hotel room. you wouldn't steal the bible, would you, wayne? no, i'll put it back. so the bush speaks in exodus, chapter 3, and says, moses, moses, and the first words that moses says to god are, here i am. then he said, do not draw near here, this place. take off your sandals and your, for your feet, for this place where you stand is holy ground. and god speaks to moses and says, i want you to go to the pharaoh, and i want you to free your people. and moses is going, well, wait, wait, hold on here. who am i, and who are you? moses says to god, who am i, that i s