. -- what isresting interesting in writing and storytelling right now, the boundaries between the novelnd the movie and the tv series are becoming more and more blurred. you find there somebody crossovers. -- so many crossovers. a writer once said the novel can exist and have a right to exist only to the extent the novel is theg what only novel can do but i disagree. i think what we see now is that novels are becoming more like movies. movies are becoming more like novels. you see the hundred hour story of the tv series is becoming the next big thing. where we have probably the most cutting-edge storytelling right saidhich is if you had that the people 10 years ago, they would not believe you. >> you think you could pretty much do anything you want to? your talent is multiple, beginning with writing. if you can write and sing, you of a career there. right and have an imagination, that's another career. if you write, and have political opinions, you of another career -- you have another career. is a broad -- it is a broad canvas. >> it boils down to storytelling. you always tell stories