hale, himself a - former scout, issoneeof severrl attorneyssssing to unseallall of the files. (sttadupp"the ffort to forre the boy scouts to open its ineligible volunteer files is bogged own in courts like this one in ventura, california. the pppalsscourt is examining thousands of cases of alleged aause by scout leaders since 19911 and publlc."the boy scouts on on released a video stattment applogizing for sexual abuse, and detaaling reeent policy changgs. "these policies include insuring at least two adults are present at aal on-one contact between one--- an adult and a youth member, requiring eeery scouting observation by parents, and abuse be reported o the of -3 proper llcallauthorities and poliie detecttve to review the piles nd report abuse to lw enforcementt "ii's just such a loooely run outtit that i just wwoldn't feel comforttblee early's attorney is keptical about the chhnges. "it juut allows the boy scouts of scoutinn is safer when there suggest it was any safer than it as during the time periodd when thhse files were kept." thereef, is likely in the more reccnt per