officers in riot gear and third the square in install -- istanbiulul. the crowd was angry over a construction project in the .ark >> no matter how many police officers come, we will continue to struggle. we will continue to fight. we will not withdraw. rogerger federer took -- federe took a hard line against the protesters. pledged to suspend the park project until the court had issued a ruling. he said on kara was open to a referendum on the issue -- ankara was open to a referendum on the issue. germany's constitutional court started hearing a legal challenge to the european central banks involvement in the eurozone crisis and whether the bank overstepped its mandate. last year the ecb under president mario draghi offered to buy unlimited government wants to help struggling euro toe member states -- bonds help struggling euro zone member states. >> we have to clarify whether the european central bank is taking on responsibilities that have not been assigned to it. >> critics see the bond program as a form of financing for governments. it is something t