below that it sayseñp&yñ presence use. i believe it's retail office and work.lling units were six i believe on the sixth floor. that will be the legal description. however, when you get done to line 16 where it says write in description of all work to be performed under this application, reference the plans, it's not sufficient. i would have3c+ body of the description of work would have maybe referenced the illegal construction to create the live-work units in that area. i was also concerned when we were talking about the permit and i know this is mostly planning. in dbi when we see a permit to comply dbi stops the approval process and are expected to look at the nob. if you read the notice of violation, it does reference office to live-work. it was to remove the illegal construction off the live-work. i just want to add that because it's in the brief. i get to read the brief. >> thank you. >> may i see a show of hands how many people plan to speak under public comment? we will begin our public comment then. >> hello my name is tommy. i'm with the housing right