you're trying to give them a mark itable skl.e the skills that corporate america are val ruing that don't need a four-year degree? >> well, our search indicates that 80% of the jobs that going to occur in this country in the next ten years are going to be jobs that require something beyond a high school education but something less than that traditional baccalaureate model. skills and technology that are going to afford the competitors a global edge in this economy that in the last decade they really haven't had access to. so from our perspective, our model for education is really one driven by economic development initiatives. our educational models are set in place based on what employers tell us they need to help them make money. >> and that's where the companies come in because they are -- they're saying all over the place, president, they're saying, look, we can't find the workers. and i think when you tell america that, look, companies are complaining they can't find workers, it makes people who are out of work really upset