itac is very hard to back down once he started along that path. do we have any others?>> i have a quick question if i may. [inaudible] you mention your relationship with alex is a all healed greatt actor of everyone else in your family, particularly his father? is he still with us? >> yeah, he yeah, he is still with us. norm is still kicking and doing this 200 push-ups every morning that he's been doing since he was eight years old. the family have been incredibly supportive through this process. so i began this book in 208,417 insanely long ago like that with the idea of clearing alex's name. i just felt it was so unjust that he was going to spend his life as a convict a violent felon having been tricked into robbing the bank while pursuing what he thought was extracurricular training that would help him on deployment in iraq. so, in the family as you might imagine very much behind the project. we weres all circling trained to help him out of whatever way we could. and then came the really complicated years, when my story started. w out of thehe lines of the famils and