i'm an elementary music teacher at benson and franzen schools in itasca.e have a son named cole who's 7 months old and when he was born he weighed 11 pounds, 10 ounces, and was almost 24 inches long. [ laughter ] he's a big guy. yeah, i guess. and you're still smiling. yeah. [ laughter ] i don't know what that means, but you can all write your own material on that one. nice to have you here. [ laughter ] eric and kristie your turn. hi! we're eric and kristie metler. we're from fresno, california. we've been married 12 1/2 years. we have three rambunctious little children -- hayley, anna, and ian. i get to stay home with those children. i'm very lucky. in my spare time i enjoy running, and last year i was able to run the tinkerbell half-marathon in disneyland. oh, how exciting. well, i'm glad you're all here and win a lot of money tonight. we're loaded. get ready. we'll do another "toss up." this one is worth $2,000 and the category is "people." [ bell chimes ] lesley and nick. happy newlyweds. yeah. you got it. [ applause ] ain't life grand? they got the $