but their companies do have direct consumer relationships, omni low itemhotels, for exampl. and it think in the end, even the super-rich and the motivated are affected when they see their companies get in trouble, because the public is unhappy with them. i think in the end, we're also trying to say, i think comes through a lot of what people have said here today, there's a lot of people sitting on the fence right now in corporate america. there's a lot of people trying to decide what to do. and i think every time they see one of these controversies, every time they see how complicated this gets and how many unintended consequences are there to undertaking this kind of spending, i think it's causing more of them to wonder if it's not time to step back. maybe that doesn't reach all the way to the koch brothers, but if they are getting roughed up, it says to others that maybe it's not the right thing to do. please? >> are you recommending people don't stay at omni hotels? >> i'll answer this and then -- i think the point we've said is that every tool is on the table today. and