lofty, but itetty takes very specific forms of -- especially in the housing area.hat is one reason i am so glad and always pursue transportation and housing as my main legislative interests. i happen to be chairman of the appropriations committee on transportation and housing. those are important national issues but both extremely important in this district. theransportation, we have challenge of having diverse transportation, accessible and affordable transportation, alternative for people. our region is strangely configured. it is a triangle, not just a central city with hubs and spokes, it is difficult to configure a transit system. we are working on regional rail. we have a wonderful airport. we have to keep that moving it has some needs their. so transportation but housing is really the heart of those, that use of equity and a sense of inclusion in the community. as you grow. it is wonderful to be a place where people want to live in where there is growth and economic opportunity, but you can't just leave your housing scene to the marketplace . if you do, you