it mentions the itf board, which runs all the training.ntions that larry is a member of that board. what it does not mention is when the board was started, larry, senior, was one of the founding members and the chairman for most of the life of that board and has worked very hard, not only here in his local, local 38, to make sure that training is as good as it is, but has worked very hard all over hardua, through the itf, to make sure all local train like his local. his leadership goes beyond anything we can thank him for. i do want to thank you it at this time, larry, for all you have done for local 38 and for all you have done for the united association, and especially in the training. i have been very proud to work with you over the years. [applause] and i am just as proud to work with larry, jr., now on the itf board. it is what we're all about. this is it. we have one thing to sell. that is ourselves. we do not make anything. we have our skills to sell in the united association. and we have to make sure that those skills are always be