kind of is predicated on devaluing women and role of family and women in getting us here to adult ithood so your niece what happened to her after did she say -- >> stay with the company and -- really talked with who she was in on interviewing who they hired for hr department, and that person did get fired. but just by a conversation but she was worried about actually losing her job and didn't. so that's a good they think. really good at her job like he maybe wasn't with as much. but it shouldn't have happened but there weren't things set in place but this is one thing that could be a way to bring everybody around is like if all of the amazon drivers that are hired right now for the holidays if like -- december 3rd they all went on strike. [laughter] didn't take a shift. people would be like oh, my gosh what am i concern -- >> in germany on black friday nothing happened. labor year is countereffect hope many that sense it is true. >> thank you. hi. i'm max, i'm a undergraduate in mechanical engineerings as an engineer who is really interested many user center design and getting into that,