till itson, let me share a concern that i have. we have -- we want to always give our fighting men and women the resources that they need. and yet what i heard today was a less than robust implementation of some of the gao reports as it relates to your particular area. i also heard you saying, well we're making progress and all of that. what i don't want to do is see that 40% of what you implement, really have no impact -- substantial impact in terms of the bottom line getting implemented year and year and the 60% that would actually make very systemic changes continue to get rolled over. and that is what i'm seeing. that is what i'm reading. is that we're making limited progress as it relates to that. and what happens is, it makes it very difficult on someone who is trying to make those appropriation decisions on giving you the tools that you need and yet we hear about gross inefficiency. so it is incumbent upon you to help prioritize the recommendations that gao is making on an annual basis and say, we're going to implement these