they think itswim and gym, but will work on the food portion and offer the things different for the kids. we give out 1.2 invested until community. i was going to school at san diego state and i needed a job, so we hire college students that come in, the kids can see us and see the staff as role models and say, hey, i can go to college too and work at the y. >> it's a social endeavor that you are all undertaking as well. talk about the exact you feel you are having with the kids that are coming in who may be in some other time might be staying at home as latch key kids. >> absolutely. one of our goals is for healthy living and social development and social responsibility. and it really tied it in to the programs. we focus in on maging sure that the kids are active. and keep them active. i think the literacy piece will be big this summer. we will tie it in to the summer program and summer learning and then of course, being socially responsible. and doing the big piece in our teen programs that we are highlights what it is to be socially active and what service learning is within the commu