one of the options would be to repair the brick paving, however it is our proposal to replace itten tierm tooirl. -- entirely. it has some issues with the joints and our goal is to replace it with a new paving system whether they be regular sidewalk paving. now i will turn it over to brit. >> hi, i'm brit tanner, project manager at sf mta. municipal transportation agency i want to focus on the transit stops and the loading changes that are part of better market street project. first talking about the transit stops we are looking at changing many if not all of the locations of the transit stops, many, not all of the transit stops on market streets. when we are looking at changing the locations for various reasons we want to change the transit times and reliability and run our buses faster and reduce conflict with bicycles and reduce the amount of times and stops at red lights. this is another key feature. we want to introduce rapid service on market street by introducing rapid stops throughout the city on market while maintaining local access and as -- simon mentioned we would be improving access