ittu turns out they grow up like the adopted matters not the birth mother so to be transmitted through experience it is possible the physical interaction may lead to the enhanced expression of certain genes that leads to sensitivity. the same genes may be silent for those early life experiences. so it's noten the genes that you have's that matter it's how they are on or off by the nurturing that you received. on the opposite end of the spectrum, moms are shaped by their children the differences in children may account for the differences i know my four kids would have reacted very differently to what we described earlier which in turn would have shaped my behavior. this seems to be true even before birth and for a long time researchers thought pregnant women's level of arousal if mom is startled the baby will startle inside of her. but then scientist at john hopkins notice the pattern ran the other way the fetus stimulates the mother so to test this the scientist use other household materials like popcorn kernels they put a gel mask and noise canceling headphones on the pregnant women