renewable and energy efficient by 2020, house version, and new standard for buildi, appliances in iusy, that's wrlt kicker comes in. you know i ink it's the wrg time for this cap a trade, even though i agree wi the spirit of legislation. gardless of my pill opiniolitic opions. i can sith sit here and toll tell you it's no good or try to make money off it. baldor is the silverlining. they make high-end motors that could be energy efficient and used to replace less efficient motors currely in use. that will cut down on tal engy consumption and carbon emissions. it's a cheap way to bet the bill. now, there's already an imrtant mandate for higher ficiency motors. that's going to come intplay in december of 2010, which is getting closer and close so the stoc is alreadonce essed by washington cap and trade will make it doubly faved. baldor expects 5% ofts motors it produces will have les bolstered b this 2010 mandate. that's already passed that. with the sale of the flag ship super "e motor up0% this arter. it's growing faer ine dury because it's more energy efficient. motor are great energy