this after it was learned that ivan boesky was talking, and then some. >> as one former s.e.c. sting the madame of a brothel and finding her private book of clients. >> this guy, boesky, takes a fall and all over wall street, they're practically jumping out windows. it comes out he's been taping his phone calls and maybe private talks for three months. and wall street big shots begin wetting their -- well, you get the idea. >> of course, boesky was guilty. there was going to be no defense. all he had was bargaining power. who could he deliver? >> levine was a fish, boesky was a shark. who is the whale they're going to catch? >> i don't know. >> drexel burnham? >> well, that's possible. >> in the middle of all this is drexel burnham lambert. until a few years ago, a little-known wall street firm. and then, it shot to the top by specializing in so-called junk bonds. high interest but also high risk. >> the commission says that drexel and the head of its junk bond department michael milken made a deal with ivan boesky to make millions of dollars illegally. >> california company wic