the club's chief exectutive ivan gazidis has just finished speaking at a press conference and it wasnew ambition. the ambition notjust a win but to win while achieving perfection, to make art out of football, and he was always brave enough to be true to that extraordinary ambition. incredibly, he achieved it with arsenal's invincibles season. two players synonomous with different wenger sides — robert pires and ian wright — both gave us their memories of working with the outgoing arsenal manager. he made me think about football in such a meticulous way that every single thing i was doing that wasn't right is harming me. and everything that i was doing that was the right thing to do, in respect of sleep, drinking water, training, resting, was benefiting me. i genuinely believed it, he made me think that. i thought like that until the end of my career. commentator: bergkamp has gone to the right, ljungberg. perez! it's difficult to win the premier league because you have to fight against manchester city, manchester united, chelsea, liverpool, tottenham. when you won the title but unbea