very juicy, but when the famous chef ivan kornev is nearby .ything vicha, ceviche here in the very north, of course, where else to make ceviche like, like here, first of all, we will make a sauce for this, mix marinade from ginger, honey, olive oil. it’s already thickened a little there, add the juice of half a lemon, i just use my hand like this, like a sieve, and now the seeds are all fine on my hands, and again mix properly. so now. let's add a touch of spice, add ketchup wow fantastic right before our eyes. maheev of the most delicious meat sauce will turn into an exquisite seafood pump, by the way, this ketchup is needed, because it is a balanced composition of whole slices of bell pepper, carrots. onion, and garlic, mix and the sauce is ready. now we clean the scallops and cut them. and we send it to marinate in the sauce, meanwhile we quickly cut the cucumber into tiny cubes, mix with scallops and put it on a plate. now let's take. uh, oyster grass, mertensia grows on the shore, barents. seas. now it has already bloomed, therefore, we wi