ivan navarro also got his start in san francisco. one of his first shows was as galleria de la raza, and he's had shows in new york and is in museums around the world, and he explores principles of minimalism. and this is his piece called the ladder, which is a 10-story neon ladder which is going to go on the front of 1066 market, on the market street facade. i think it's a really conceptually wonderful piece. i think it's also -- i certainly remember in my childhood, fire escape ladders. i know for some, it's something you also see in photos, but it also brings back the concept of a marquis that used to be on market street. it's his first public permanent artwork, and the budget is $755,000. i don't know if the commissioners have any questions. >> vice president koppel: we may. you have 3.5 or 4 minutes. do you want to say anything else? >> it's a very conceptually strong artwork, so i don't think it needs much more description. >> vice president koppel: why don't we go ahead and open this up for public comment. any members of the p