because researchers because it has a very clear when he edged back to the dawn of psychology and ivan pavlov and it does work in many cases. one of my good friends, but out of love for lucia veteran of salt which worse than i did and it worked wonders for him. however i think that there are a lot of side effects that are not being addressed by david a. and specifically it is interesting because this speaks to the medicalization that is the major problem today. we treat it like we treat strep throat based on the perceptions and research and knowledge and wisdom gained from people in the white lab coated physician who have taken it very far in terms of public health. however, it is rare to meet a psychiatrist was a cultist who's been in a combat zone. there is a fundamental misunderstanding about the nature of combat trauma. if you talk to the veterans committee thatveteran'scommittee that spent months in helmand from the province of which i know several marines in most cases it's not a single ambush that can be excised or treated with exposure. it's often a host of dozens of dozens of events